Sunday, February 17, 2013

Web Design in this New Era

I have be doing a lot of web design stuff of late. Mainly after I remade my personal website.
I have also been reading a lot about leaving skeuomorphic behind and designing in browser to encourage responsive design.

Here's the pinch though. I don't think we should leave the photoshop behind. I found styling straight off incredibly constraining. Maybe it's because I am a novice, but there is something to be said about completing an entire mockup to make sure all the elements work together.

Code is  very top-to-bottom approach, where photoshop really makes you consider the entire flow. That being said if someone can make a photoshop-browser merge app I am in!

As to skeuomorphic design. I still think it has its place. I am learning more by making a fictional restaurant's website. Let me tell you that skeuomorphic really helps sell that realness of a physical place. Let me first  say I'm not talking over the top "texture" but some subtle shadows help a lot. I worry flat design is limiting web design in that 3rd dimension.

Any way just an opinion.

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Power of Monday.

For your possibilities, for a fresh start, for your new regime.
Monday's always have the bad rap, the end of the weekend, the end of fun.
What of the things it can bring.
New news.
Something found.
A sense of beginning.

Don't frown on Monday.
It's the beginning of something beautiful.
Embrace Monday, it's a fresh slate, it's wonder, it's undiscovered.

The Power of Monday.

Here's a video to get you discovering:

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Goodbye Mr. Creator.

So I am on a "pinning" binge on some tumblr blogs and I feel bad. This whole reblog thing really brings to light the disposability of the creator in these work. What has happened to attribution?
I know exists but tools need to be integrated into the net to allow an uploaded image to be tracked to its original creator.
I believe people have the right to share cool things they find but I do believe the creator should get some acknowledgment.
Imgur is the worst of this. User are even stripping the connection link to the original source. 
We should really evolve our sharing. People are talented and they should be congratulated on that fact not forgotten.

Friday, January 27, 2012

PressPausePlay: Welcome to the new creativity.

PressPausePlay is an amazing documentary well worth watching. It catalogues the changes for artist from new technology. The main thing I took away from it is that nowadays everyone feels like an artist. Everyone has a laptop, has software has the net to gain the knowledge. Its all attainable. The barrier has been broken down, the mystic of art creation is gone. Now what we are left with is talent. For me I some times feel crushed by the weight of all this creation. Every where people are creating full feature films, full albums and amazing work with almost nothing.

Technology is no longer the hoop to jump through. We are left with people having to learn the true skills behind art. No more “How does this camera work?” but “How does this story work?”.
Its and exciting and scary time, for all of us. Progress moves fast. Its hard to be heard through the cacophony of voice begging for attention, pleading for redemption.  

Live Fast, Yell Louder, Die Smiling, Repost.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tell me

What kind of posts do you guys like? Videos ie reposts or do you like my tech/gadget, essentials posts? Let me know, seriously.


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Essentials: Headphones

Essential: Headphones

Being a total music junkie like most people I think it is often overlooked what a pair of half decent headphones can do. For me my pick is Sennheiser CX-300, they are not that expensive at $60-$80. At that price point you get a much better sound quality than stupid headphones that come stock with most music devices.

Wrap: Better headphones make a difference.