Sunday, February 17, 2013

Web Design in this New Era

I have be doing a lot of web design stuff of late. Mainly after I remade my personal website.
I have also been reading a lot about leaving skeuomorphic behind and designing in browser to encourage responsive design.

Here's the pinch though. I don't think we should leave the photoshop behind. I found styling straight off incredibly constraining. Maybe it's because I am a novice, but there is something to be said about completing an entire mockup to make sure all the elements work together.

Code is  very top-to-bottom approach, where photoshop really makes you consider the entire flow. That being said if someone can make a photoshop-browser merge app I am in!

As to skeuomorphic design. I still think it has its place. I am learning more by making a fictional restaurant's website. Let me tell you that skeuomorphic really helps sell that realness of a physical place. Let me first  say I'm not talking over the top "texture" but some subtle shadows help a lot. I worry flat design is limiting web design in that 3rd dimension.

Any way just an opinion.

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