Friday, January 27, 2012

PressPausePlay: Welcome to the new creativity.

PressPausePlay is an amazing documentary well worth watching. It catalogues the changes for artist from new technology. The main thing I took away from it is that nowadays everyone feels like an artist. Everyone has a laptop, has software has the net to gain the knowledge. Its all attainable. The barrier has been broken down, the mystic of art creation is gone. Now what we are left with is talent. For me I some times feel crushed by the weight of all this creation. Every where people are creating full feature films, full albums and amazing work with almost nothing.

Technology is no longer the hoop to jump through. We are left with people having to learn the true skills behind art. No more “How does this camera work?” but “How does this story work?”.
Its and exciting and scary time, for all of us. Progress moves fast. Its hard to be heard through the cacophony of voice begging for attention, pleading for redemption.  

Live Fast, Yell Louder, Die Smiling, Repost.


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